Halloween Train and Costume Contest

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Time: 10am-6pm


Region: Northland

Address: 6060 NW Waukomis Drive, Kansas City, MO 64151

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Phone: 816-746-5663
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Related Organization: Kansas City Northern Miniature Railroad

Come in your costume to ride the Halloween train.  Enjoy all the other costumes and decorations.  Enter the Costume Contest at 1:00 PM. It's for all ages. Trunk or Treat is being planned, check Facebook for details as the date gets closer.

Buy a ticket at the Depot, pick your seat, get your ticket punched, and help holler “all aboard.” Hear the horn sound and the engine growl. Enjoy the gentle clickety-clack of the rails, feel the wind, and scream in the dark tunnel. See the cars stop at the crossing and hear the crossing bells. Lift your feet over the bridge. Ease back into the station and get in line for another ride!  Two laps for $1 apiece. Discount multi-ride cards available.  

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